Livelihood Enhancement

At Nopar we are dedicated to empowering communities with the tools, skills, and resources needed to elevate their incomes, improve living standards, and foster dignity.

Our Focus Areas:

Access to Productive Assets:

Nopar believes in providing communities with access to essential tools for improved productivity. From basic to complex tools, we aim to enhance efficiency and increase income generation by providing the right tools that increase productivity. Our efforts contribute to better access to modern tools for work and increased employment opportunities for artisans.

Artisan Empowerment and Certification:

Unlocking the potential within the informal sector, our program focuses on upskilling and certifying artisans (fundis). By organizing them into cooperatives, we enhance their ability to secure jobs, charge professional fees, and collectively bid for work.

Our Success: The success of our Livelihood Program shall be measured by increases in household incomes, improved wages, financial access, and income generation for community members.

Join Us in Empowering Lives: Nopar invites you to join us in this program. Your catalytic support shall bring positive change, contribute to shared prosperity, and cultivate sustainable livelihoods within communities. Together, we are shaping a future of economic resilience and dignity.